cortez scott is an alara specialist with the radiation protection department at arkansas nuclear one. he joined entergy eight years ago. he lives in russellville, arkansas with his wife willene. they have six adult-age children.
latest insights
alison stahl is a nuclear auxiliary operator who enjoys reading, cooking and spending time with her dogs gracie and simba.
learn how sarah makes a difference for entergy and her community.
vicki harris is a category leader associate iii with entergy’s strategic sourcing generation department. she joined entergy two years ago as a procurement specialist at grand gulf nuclear station.
pilgrim power plant's dave noyes volunteers because he believes it's vital to meet the ever changing needs of the communities we serve.
as an engineer, i’m predisposed to fix problems i see around me. i think that’s why volunteering is so fulfilling to me - it allows me to be a part of the solution.
national volunteer month spotlight: entergy waterford 3 engineer iii kyle sanford is proud to give back to the community.
paul salgado is the performance improvement manager at entergy’s grand gulf nuclear station.