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insights > people power, giving back
river bend employees attend west feliciana high school career fair

presentation focuses on women in science and engineering.

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insights > people power, giving back
arkansas nuclear one goes back to school

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indian point station volunteers gathered for a photo after completing a home-improvement project for a dutchess county resident.
indian point station volunteers gathered for a photo after completing a home-improvement project for a dutchess county resident.
insights > people power, giving back
indian point employees give back to community by repairing senior's home

entergy teams with rebuilding together dutchess county to give a helping hand to low-income homeowners.

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employees at grand gulf contributed more than 600 volunteer hours during community day.
employees at grand gulf contributed more than 600 volunteer hours during community day.
insights > people power, giving back
grand gulf launches community day volunteer event

more than 60 employees participated in a week of community service activities to benefit the local community.

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insights > people power, giving back
jackson transmission team raises money for local united way

employee fundraisers top $7,000 to support a variety of programs that benefit families in the community.

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entergy nuclear employees explored stem topics with students using fun and interactive activities.
entergy nuclear employees explored stem topics with students using fun and interactive activities.
insights > people power, giving back
science fest engages children with hands-on technology and engineering

entergy nuclear employees help students explore stem careers with fun and challenging activities.

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johanna's family, including her husband gabe, motivates her to live and work safely.
johanna's family, including her husband gabe, motivates her to live and work safely.
insights > people power
power principle: a conversation with johanna flores

johanna flores, a control room supervisor at indian point energy center, has been a part of the entergy family for five years.

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 supplier quality assurance supervisor alisha johnson-thomas , mba, recipient of the metro-jackson alcorn alumni chapter  leading alcornites under 50 award
supplier quality assurance supervisor alisha johnson-thomas , mba, recipient of the metro-jackson alcorn alumni chapter leading alcornites under 50 award
insights > people power
johnson-thomas recognized for excellence by alcorn state university

alisha johnson-thomas, supervisor of supplier quality assurance, receives leading alcornites under 50 award for accomplishments in her career and community service.

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breakout sessions focused on pathways to discuss technological advancements in the industry, engagement with local chapters, increasing effective and meaningful science, engineering and math (stem) outreach.
breakout sessions focused on pathways to discuss technological advancements in the industry, engagement with local chapters, increasing effective and meaningful science, engineering and math (stem) outreach.
insights > people power
entergy win chapters attend national conference

more than 400 women in nuclear members from across the country gathered in huntsville, alabama to share ideas on how to position the industry for the future. every year, members from entergy win chapters attend the conference to take what they learned back to their sites.

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