latest insights

insights > our future
stem is growing in russellville

students in one russellville school learned all about nuclear power as part of stem visit by entergy.

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ano training manager greg kilpatrick addresses the crowd on sustaining training excellence and preparing for the 2020 review of the maintenance and technical training.
ano training manager greg kilpatrick addresses the crowd on sustaining training excellence and preparing for the 2020 review of the maintenance and technical training.
insights > people power
credibility, competency, teamwork at the core of nuclear training programs' accreditation

accreditation ensures entergy nuclear is meeting or exceeding federal requirements for nuclear power plant training programs.

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insights > people power
women in nuclear: shelley miller

"i enjoy working at palisades because they value their employees and show appreciation in many ways. you'll work with some of the brightest minds in various fields and create a network that could lead you to places you never dreamed."

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insights > people power
women in nuclear: kelly howard

"i find my work challenging and rewarding at the same time. i appreciate the growth opportunities i've had, and i value the relationships i've made."

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insights > people power
women in nuclear: sarah williams

"what i enjoy most about working at palisades is the people. as a team, we work hard, respect one another, hold each other accountable, and, most importantly, we offer support and help to our colleagues when needed."

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insights > people power
women in nuclear: erica boyer

"as nuclear professionals, everyone at palisades has a high level of integrity. my advice to other women considering applying to palisades is to do just that, apply. we offer plenty of training and support."

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jeff lanum (in background) with techno warriors advanced team members (from left) jeremiah theisen, owen lanum, mary jansen and tamia white.
jeff lanum (in background) with techno warriors advanced team members (from left) jeremiah theisen, owen lanum, mary jansen and tamia white.
insights > people power
lanums’ passion for robotics boosts stem education in mississippi

jeff lanum, a technical specialist for entergy nuclear, believes in the power of robotics. for nearly 15 years, his robotics leadership has helped strengthen stem education in mississippi and encouraged students to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering and math fields.

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insights > our future
clean, carbon-free energy - nuclear helps power louisiana’s bright future

in 2018, entergy louisiana avoided emissions of carbon dioxide equal to the amount released in a year by more than 2.5 million passenger cars. how? with the safe, reliable, emission-free operations of our river bend and waterford 3 nuclear plants, operated by hundreds of dedicated and highly-trained nuclear professionals.

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insights > people power
women in nuclear: joyce keller

"over the past 30 years, i've found great mentors at various stages of my career, and they worked with me to help improve and upgrade my skill set."

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