entergy has once again been recognized by the women's business enterprise national council's prestigious america's top corporations for women's business enterprises award.
latest insights
it was near quitting time march 15 at the entergy arkansas service center in mountain view when eric mitchell and ethan mcclung got a call alerting them that the wood pellet factory just down the hill was on fire. they jumped into action.
we’re deploying technologies that offer a wide range of benefits. we’ll use that technology to help deliver better reliability, faster response times and more information.
how are linemen at a power company and linemen on a football team alike? they’re both responsible for powering through the lines – one to electrify the grid and the other to electrify the gridiron.
eunice harris, entergy louisiana customer service representative, has been with entergy for almost 43 years. learn more about how she lives and works safely to power life for customers on the northshore.
as we near the end of 2018, we're taking a look back at our top social media posts of the year. from mutual assistance efforts around the country to stories about saving puppies, we're glad you took a minute to like, comment or share one of our posts with your friends and family.
courtney patrick joined entergy nearly three years ago as an engineering associate and recently moved to a meterman trainee position in jackson, mississippi. she lives and works safely for her family, including her sons landen and londen.