latest insights

insights > giving back
prices are going up, so entergy mississippi is stepping up

entergy mississippi is providing between $150 to $1,000 in direct bill payment help to mississippi families who need help paying their power bills.

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insights > tips and tools
near record-breaking temps lead to increased energy use and high bills

there are simple steps customers can take to make sure their home is using energy efficiently

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150+ poles, miles of overhead conductor installed in osceola.
150+ poles, miles of overhead conductor installed in osceola.
insights > our future, people power
customer-focused work completed in ne arkansas for new steel mill

u. s. steel announced in january the selection of osceola for its next-generation, highly sustainable steel mill, promising it would be the most advanced in north america. with a facility that large, it obviously triggered a need for new overhead power lines to be installed at the facility.

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insights > tips and tools, our future
five ways entergy is working to make your power bill one less thing to worry about

like most things these days, the material costs related to generating and delivering your power have gone up recently. while our customer rates are still below the u.s. average, entergy mississippi is taking real action to keep this and other inflationary business cost increases from making your power bill unaffordable.

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insights > storms
entergy mississippi winter storm update – 2/4/22, 6:30 p.m.

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insights > storms
entergy mississippi winter storm update – 2/4/22, 1:15 p.m.

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insights > storms
entergy mississippi winter storm update – 2/3/22, 7 p.m.

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insights > storms
entergy mississippi winter storm update – 2/3/22, 11:30 a.m.

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insights > storms
entergy mississippi prepares for winter storm

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