latest insights

insights > tips and tools
entergy arkansas warns of solar scammers

as the renewable industry expands, entergy arkansas has heard from customers and agencies like the attorney general’s office about many scams popping up.

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insights > tips and tools
stay comfortable this summer with a home a/c tune-up

don't let rising temperatures compromise your comfort. keep your home cool and comfortable with a high-performance a/c tune-up through our entergy solutions programs.

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insights > storms
hurricane season is here

hurricane season starts saturday, june 1, and experts predict another active season.

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insights > giving back
entergy arkansas bright futures: focusing our philanthropic work on food insecurity

one in five arkansans faces hunger – and that number becomes one in four for children. during the month of june, entergy arkansas is focusing our philanthropic efforts on food insecurity.

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crews continue working to restore power in flippin.
crews continue working to restore power in flippin.
insights > storms
entergy arkansas storm update – 5/29/24, 11:30 a.m.

entergy arkansas is close to wrapping up restoration efforts from severe storm damage in northwest arkansas.

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insights > storms
entergy arkansas storm update – 5/28/24, 8 p.m.

just over 1,100 customers remain without power tonight after entergy arkansas crews restored power to thousands over the last several days. more than 46,000 customer interruptions have been restored since friday evening.

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insights > storms
safely restoring power to your home after a tornado

entergy arkansas is committed to helping customers recover following the devastating tornadoes. the following information will help educate customers who are bringing in their own temporary housing units while they make repairs, or if they plan to vacate their home(s).

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insights > storms
entergy arkansas storm update – 5/28/24, noon

crews are still actively working to restore power to the approximately 2,500 customers remaining without power. the most intense damages were the result of lightning, wind and confirmed tornadoes in rural areas that included treacherous terrain that required specialty equipment and additional personnel.

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damages near highway 62 at yellville
damages near highway 62 at yellville
insights > storms
entergy arkansas storm update – 5/27/24, 6:30 p.m.

after a weekend of severe weather that caused widespread damages to the electric grid, today provided favorable weather conditions for crews to make remarkable progress in repairs and rebuilding both transmission and distribution systems.

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