on sept. 11, the company successfully restored a second high-voltage transmission line into the lake charles area.
entergy’s storm team continues to work to restore power to customers in calcasieu and cameron parishes, the areas hit hardest by hurricane laura on aug. 27. as of 7 a.m. saturday, approximately 59,000 customers remain without power in heavily impacted southwest louisiana.
another restoration milestone was reached in louisiana today with the re-energization of the second of nine high-voltage lines feeding power into the lake charles area.
our crews, contractors and mutual-assistance partners are working long hours restoring service to customers as safely and as quickly as possible.
entergy and contract line workers are meeting many tough challenges during hurricane laura restoration. now matt lord, of pmi energy solutions, can add one more: dog rescue.
approximately 23,000 customer outages have been restored in calcasieu and cameron parishes just two weeks after the region bore the brunt of hurricane laura.
lake charles/sulphur damaged distribution equipment replaced includes 8,809 poles, 2,313 transformers and 18,254 spans of wire.