entergy mississippi is teaming with extra table to pack meals for families impacted by food scarcity and donating $100,000 to help eliminate hunger in the state.
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in observance of martin luther king jr. day, 600 employee volunteers from leading louisiana companies gathered at sites across the state to pack meals for local food banks.
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for more than 14 years, irs-certified entergy volunteers have provided free tax preparation for low-to-moderate income taxpayers at volunteer income tax assistance sites throughout the entergy mississippi service area.
entergy arkansas and community partners will host several super tax day events to kick off the tax preparation season, with irs-certified volunteers on hand to help low- and moderate-income families file for free.
volunteers from blue cross and blue shield of louisiana, healthy blue and entergy will pack 200,000 meals at a series of events benefitting louisiana food banks in recognition of martin luther king jr. day, which is a national day of service.
entergy arkansas and the little rock international association of fire fighters (iaff) local 34 partnered again this year to donate “operation warm” coats to hundreds of students in the little rock school district wednesday, just as a cold front starts making its way into the company’s service territory and the students’ winter break begins.