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entergy texas customers can receive free virtual tax prep

volunteers will help qualifying customers claim their earned income tax credits

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news > communities, customers, employees
entergy mississippi customers can receive free virtual tax prep

volunteers will help qualifying customers claim their earned income tax credits

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qualified customers can receive free tax prep
qualified customers can receive free tax prep
news > customers
free tax prep available for qualified entergy arkansas customers

the federal tax filing season through the internal revenue service runs now through april 15, and low- to moderate-income entergy arkansas customers can receive free irs-certified volunteer income tax assistance to ensure they are correctly filing returns for their greatest benefits.

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in texas, more than 8,200 residents have received more than $11.5 million.
news > communities
entergy texas teams with united way of greater houston for super tax day

the big game may be over, but super tax day is ongoing! entergy texas customers will receive more free tax prep on saturday, feb. 10.

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eitc helps lift americans out of poverty.
news > communities
entergy texas teams with united way of beaumont and north jefferson county for super tax day

among the winners during this year’s super bowl weekend are entergy texas customers receiving free tax prep during super tax day this saturday, feb. 3.

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news > communities
rising poverty stats bring increased urgency for tax credit program and free tax help

as we begin the new year, record numbers of american families are struggling with poverty, according to u.s. census bureau statistics which show some 46.2 million americans are living below the poverty line.

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