latest news

entergy customer erie blakely receives a fan from entergy volunteers.
entergy customer erie blakely receives a fan from entergy volunteers.
news > customers
entergy arkansas helps customers beat the heat this summer

entergy arkansas is committed to helping customers during the high-energy usage months of summer.

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news > communities, customers
entergy arkansas helping families prepare for back to school

entergy arkansas is excited to partner with local agencies to help customers as they get ready for back to school.

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news > customers
sunblock your budget – summer utility bill tips from entergy arkansas

increasing energy usage during hot summer temperatures can lead to higher bills – burning up summer funds. entergy arkansas is sharing tips to help customers sunblock their utility budgets during the summer heat!

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news > communities, customers
liheap application opens for summer utilities bill help

entergy arkansas customers who need help paying their summer utility bills can apply now for assistance through the low-income home energy assistance program.

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courtesy of getty images.
courtesy of getty images.
news > customers, energy efficiency
entergy texas shares energy efficiency tips and programs as summer temperatures rise

entergy texas encourages customers to save money and manage their energy usage with these tips.

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news > energy efficiency
entergy arkansas provides energy efficiency tips for summer months

as temperatures rise across the state, residents are encouraged to take steps to make their homes more energy efficient.

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fan donation at some other place in beaumont.
fan donation at some other place in beaumont.
news > communities, customers
entergy texas prepares customers to beat the heat this summer

entergy texas steps up to help low-income customers overcome the challenges of high temperatures.

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entergy texas' fan donation to interfaith of the woodlands.
entergy texas' fan donation to interfaith of the woodlands.
news > communities, customers, energy efficiency
entergy texas’ annual fan donation helps low-income customers stay cool and save money

the company is donating 1,300 fans to help southeast texas families.

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news > energy efficiency
entergy provides summer energy efficiency tips

during high temperatures, cooling costs make up more than 55% of an average customer’s electric bill. this means that taking steps to save energy can help lower your electric bills when temperatures are hot.

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