latest news

news > communities, customers, safety
entergy texas recognizes utility scam awareness day, offers tips to stop scams

this year’s theme is “screen the search” to reflect the rise of digital scams.

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news > customers, safety
entergy arkansas offers customer safety tips on utility scam awareness day

wednesday november 15th is utility scam awareness day, and entergy arkansas is offering important safety tips to educate customers and help protect them against scams.

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news > safety
entergy warns customers of search engine scams

only use entergy website to find bill payment options

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news > customers, safety
entergy arkansas warns customers of search engine scams

although many people use online searches to find important information, entergy arkansas is warning customers to be cautious and only pay their bills from the official entergy website.

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news > customers, safety
entergy mississippi warns customers of search engine scams

one online scam is duping customers with a website and phone number that look legitimate, but it’s actually luring customers into a trap. entergy mississippi customers should only depend on information from entergy’s own sites to conduct business.

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news > customers
don't get spooked by scams

this year has been scary enough without having to deal with scammers trying to steal your hard-earned money.

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the caller said the customer needed to go to walgreens and put $398.62 on a gobank card ...
news > customers, grid modernization, safety, employees
beware of scams; entergy does not require payment before installing new meter

don’t be a victim of scammers. an entergy arkansas customer received a phone call june 26 from a number her caller id said was entergy. it wasn’t.

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news > customers
watch out for energy bill scams

we’ve had a new round of reported scammers popping up around the state. this group is using spoof technology to make caller id appear to be an entergy number. customers should hang up and call 800.entergy to get accurate information on their account.

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news > customers
utility bill scammers continue targeting customers

scammers are relentless in their efforts to target unsuspecting utility customers, and entergy reminds you to be cautious.

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