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news > customers, safety
brighten your holidays safely with lighting tips from entergy arkansas

it’s the most wonderful time of the year! whether you plan to set up a sparkling outdoor display or create a warm atmosphere indoors, entergy arkansas encourages customers to keep safety top of mind this holiday season.

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news > communities, customers, safety
brighten the holidays safely with tips from entergy new orleans

it’s the most wonderful time of the year, filled with cozy gatherings, cherished traditions, and festive decorations. whether you plan to set up a sparkling outdoor display or create a warm atmosphere indoors, entergy new orleans encourages customers to keep safety top of mind this holiday season.

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brighten your holidays safely with lighting tips from entergy mississippi

whether you plan to set up a sparkling outdoor display or create a warm atmosphere indoors, entergy mississippi encourages customers to keep safety top of mind this holiday season.  

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news > communities, safety
entergy arkansas prepared for upcoming election day

as arkansans prepare to head to the polls next week, entergy arkansas is doing our part to ensure voting in the 2024 general election goes smoothly. company leaders have been working on a preparedness plan to help ensure power reliability to voting locations across the state.

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news > customers, safety
entergy mississippi welcomes fall with safety reminders

as fun and gratifying as fall activities can be, no one wants them to result in an accident or injury. entergy mississippi has some helpful tips for staying safe.

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news > communities, customers, safety
entergy arkansas welcomes fall with safety reminders

the start of cooler temperatures outside makes fall-lovers eager for all the seasonal fun that begins in october. as fun and gratifying as these activities can be, no one wants them to result in an accident or injury. entergy arkansas has some helpful tips for staying safe this fall.

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news > customers, safety
entergy texas welcomes fall with safety reminders

these simple tips can help you avoid accidents and injuries.

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entergy's grand gulf nuclear station in port gibson, miss.
entergy's grand gulf nuclear station in port gibson, miss.
news > communities, safety, storms
entergy nuclear stations prepare for tropical system

nuclear plants are designed to exceed requirements to withstand regional natural disasters

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news > communities, customers, safety
breaking ground, building safely: entergy arkansas recognizes safe digging month

national safe digging month serves as a reminder to all people who excavate or dig to call 811 at least two full business days before digging to have the approximate location of their utility lines marked. this process helps prevent injuries, property damage and inconvenient utility outages.

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