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news > storms
entergy mississippi completes power restoration following deadly storms

more than 45,000 entergy customers were left without power after the severe weather event saturday night, and as of thursday morning all have been restored.  

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news > storms
actualización de tormenta de entergy texas - 30/12/2024, 12:30

casi todos los clientes con servicio eléctrico restaurado tras apagones causados por múltiples tornados.

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news > storms
entergy texas storm update – 12/30/24, 12:30 p.m.

nearly all customers restored following outages from multiple tornadoes.

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bolivar peninsula
bolivar peninsula
news > storms
actualización de la tormenta de entergy texas - 29/12/2024, 17:00

la zona de high island/bolivar peninsula se restablecerá antes de lo previsto.

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bolivar peninsula
bolivar peninsula
news > storms
entergy texas storm update – 12/29/24, 5 p.m.

high island/bolivar peninsula area to be restored sooner than expected.

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bolivar peninsula
bolivar peninsula
news > storms
actualización de la tormenta de entergy texas - 29/12/2024, 11:30

más del 43% de los clientes restablecidos tras los múltiples tornados que provocaron cortes generalizados.

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bolivar peninsula
bolivar peninsula
news > storms
entergy texas storm update – 12/29/24, 11:30 a.m.

more than 43% of customers restored after multiple tornadoes caused widespread outages.

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news > customers, storms
entergy mississippi assessment, restoration underway following severe weather

entergy mississippi crews, contractors, tree trimmers and scouts are working diligently to restore power to more than 45,000 customers following the recent severe system. as of 9 a.m., entergy mississippi reports less than 36,000 customers are still without power.

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autopista 124 en el condado de chambers
autopista 124 en el condado de chambers
news > storms
actualización de la tormenta de entergy texas - 28/12/2024, 17:30

los equipos están trabajando esta noche para restablecer la electricidad.

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