latest news

shelia mckinnis (left) and sandy powlett have taken new roles on entergy mississippi's customer service team.
shelia mckinnis (left) and sandy powlett have taken new roles on entergy mississippi's customer service team.
news > leadership, communities, customers, employees
powlett, mckinnis take new roles on entergy mississippi customer service team

two seasoned employees have filled key roles on entergy mississippi’s customer service team.

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news > communities, customers, safety, storms, energy efficiency
entergy mississippi power conservation appeal

company asks customers to conserve between 5 p.m. and 10 p.m.

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news > customers, safety, storms
entergy mississippi customers asked to conserve electricity

action requested due to demand potentially exceeding available generation

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severe winter weather is on the way. make sure you are prepared.
severe winter weather is on the way. make sure you are prepared.
news > communities, customers, safety, employees, storms, energy efficiency
prepare now for the threat of winter storms

severe weather expected to affect much of entergy mississippi’s service area

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news > customers, energy efficiency
increased winter usage affects bills; here’s how to get help paying them

improving your home’s energy efficiency can help lower future bills

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ron suhm, instructional designer, demonstrates the augmentation- virtual reality tool to those attending the center of excellence dedication.
ron suhm, instructional designer, demonstrates the augmentation- virtual reality tool to those attending the center of excellence dedication.
news > grid modernization, safety, employees
entergy ‘center of excellence’ opens in clinton

facility offers immersive training environment for future line workers from four-state region

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set the thermostat on 68 degrees in winter--it's the sweet spot for savings and comfort
set the thermostat on 68 degrees in winter--it's the sweet spot for savings and comfort
news > customers, energy efficiency
crank up the savings through energy efficiency

save money, stay comfy with simple energy-saving tips

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news > communities, customers
entergy mississippi helps communities with $1.3m in grants in 2020

shareholders gave $221,000 in third quarter charitable contributions to nonprofit groups

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news > customers, safety, energy efficiency
when putting lights up, don’t let your guard down

decorative lights, dry trees are common sources of holiday fires

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