entergy louisiana, llc announces the addition of two commercial contractual agreements executed in southwest louisiana.
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unexpected medical bills, loss of a job or other economic hardships can be difficult for anyone. but for senior citizens and disabled citizens, it can be devastating.
customers of entergy louisiana, llc and entergy gulf states louisiana, l.l.c. will soon be served by a single utility company created through a transaction approved today by the louisiana public service commission.
baton rouge, la. – the mercury is beginning its climb up the thermometer, and you can bet it will be a long time before it begins to retreat. don’t let your electric bills climb with it. by taking steps to be more energy-efficient, your air conditioner will run less and that, in turn, will help keep your electricity bill down.
preparation is the key to weathering severe storms. as disturbance 7 moves across the gulf of mexico, entergy urges customers to monitor the weather and implement their own storm plans if needed.
customers of entergy's louisiana utilities saved an estimated $120 million during the first year of membership in miso, formally known as the midcontinent independent system operator, inc.
power restoration for all customers who can take it should conclude by late tonight for those affected by monday's violent storms. restoration for the hard-hit sections of baton rouge and labadieville will extend to tomorrow.
power has been restored to the vast majority of customers affected by monday’s violent storms, and all customers outside of the hardest hit areas should have power restored by wednesday night.
approximately 90 percent of louisiana customers should have power restored by tuesday night and nearly all others affected by monday's violent storms should have electricity restored by wednesday.