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news > customers
sunblock your budget – summer utility bill tips from entergy arkansas

increasing energy usage during hot summer temperatures can lead to higher bills – burning up summer funds. entergy arkansas is sharing tips to help customers sunblock their utility budgets during the summer heat!

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news > communities, customers
liheap application opens for summer utilities bill help

entergy arkansas customers who need help paying their summer utility bills can apply now for assistance through the low-income home energy assistance program.

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entergy mississippi provides summer energy efficiency tips

during the warmer months, cooling costs make up more than 55% of an average customer’s electric bill. this means that taking steps to save energy can help lower your electric bills when temperatures are hot.

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energy-efficiency tips will help keep you warm while chilling your bill
energy-efficiency tips will help keep you warm while chilling your bill
news > customers, storms, energy efficiency
baby, it's cold outside! but you don't have to be

energy-efficiency tips will help keep you warm while chilling your bill

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news > customers, energy efficiency
entergy texas - lower temps don’t have to mean higher bills

decrease your electricity usage by implementing energy efficiency practices.

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record heat brings higher energy bills, relief efforts
record heat brings higher energy bills, relief efforts
news > communities, energy efficiency
entergy arkansas helping customers beat the heat

entergy arkansas is expanding corporate contributions by $1.8 million and implementing a series of measures to assist our customers and communities.

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news > communities
liheap application period begins july 25

officials with the low-income home energy assistance program have announced residents can begin submitting applications monday, july 25 for help with the costs of summer cooling bills, including those from entergy arkansas and other utilities.

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news > customers, energy efficiency
summer heat can increase power usage, utility bills

entergy mississippi offers options to manage costs, get help with bills

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entergy representatives and advocates like this team who championed for additional liheap funding in washington last year will be back on the hill march 2 to raise awareness of the needs of low-income customers in hot-weather states.
entergy representatives and advocates like this team who championed for additional liheap funding in washington last year will be back on the hill march 2 to raise awareness of the needs of low-income customers in hot-weather states.
news > communities, customers
entergy advocates for more energy assistance for low-income customers

during liheap action day march 2, 沙特vs墨西哥让球 representatives and community partners will be making the case for increased funding of the low income home energy assistance program. the funding goal is at least $4.7 billion for 2017.

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