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these upgrades will benefit electrical customers in southwest mississippi and louisiana
news > communities, customers, grid modernization, growth
entergy mississippi to break ground on substation expansion

$14 million project will benefit customers in southwest mississippi and louisiana

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$400,000 investment adds redundancy to service for business, residential customers
$400,000 investment adds redundancy to service for business, residential customers
news > grid modernization
entergy mississippi completes electric reliability project in northeast jackson

$400,000 investment adds redundancy to service for business, residential customers

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the ceres industrial park is one area in warren county that will benefit from improved service reliability due to a $37-million transmission upgrade.
the ceres industrial park is one area in warren county that will benefit from improved service reliability due to a $37-million transmission upgrade.
news > communities, customers, grid modernization, growth
entergy mississippi completes $37m service reliability project in warren county

transmission circuit serves more than 4,000 customers, including ceres industrial park

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entergy arkansas line supervisor chris stone (left) and customer service manager matt faries (right) discuss a major project to upgrade entergy’s facilities that serve the riverbend park area in hardy.
entergy arkansas line supervisor chris stone (left) and customer service manager matt faries (right) discuss a major project to upgrade entergy’s facilities that serve the riverbend park area in hardy.
news > communities, customers, grid modernization, employees
entergy investing over $500,000 for infrastructure upgrades in hardy

entergy arkansas customers in and near riverbend park in hardy will soon experience improvements in the quality and reliability of their electric service.

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