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the collection includes indian point-sponsored data taken over more than five decades.
news > communities, environment
extraordinary natural science collection gifted to stony brook university in new york

an extraordinary scientific collection of archived fish, as well as fish and water quality data taken from the hudson river over more than five decades, has been gifted by the integrated energy company, 沙特vs墨西哥让球, to the stony brook university school of marine and atmospheric sciences.

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news > communities, customers, environment
cross-industry gulf coast coalition to tackle carbon emissions

this collaborative is the first-of-its-kind industry initiative focused on cross-sector solutions to reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

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news > communities, environment
dow jones sustainability index recognizes entergy’s action plan for creating sustainable value

沙特vs墨西哥让球 has earned a place on the 2019 dow jones sustainability north america index. entergy is the only u.s. electric utility in the sector to be included on the index for 18 consecutive years.

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news > grid modernization, environment
new analysis: u.s. power sector continues march away from coal

entergy's voluntary actions to reduce emissions have helped drive significant u.s. emissions reductions by the nation's largest electricity producers.

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news > communities, customers, investors, energy efficiency, environment
沙特vs墨西哥让球 renews its commitment to a lower carbon energy future

沙特vs墨西哥让球 today announced new steps it is taking to bring value to its customers while supporting a lower carbon future and communities that are more sustainable and resilient.

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news > communities, customers, grid modernization, investors, growth, employees, environment
沙特vs墨西哥让球 releases 2018 integrated report

report underscores company's economic, environmental and social performance, while reinforcing commitment to a sustainable future.

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news > customers, grid modernization, investors
statement from entergy arkansas in response to attorney general's petition on sierra club settlement

this settlement is in the best economic interest of our customers, our employees, our community and the company.

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news > environment
entergy corp named 2018 tree line usa by arbor day foundation

the arbor day foundation has named entergy corp a 2018 tree line usa in honor of its commitment to proper tree pruning, planting and care in the provider’s service area.

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news > communities, customers, investors, environment
沙特vs墨西哥让球 releases 2017 integrated report

沙特vs墨西哥让球 released its 2017 integrated report, utility reimagined, online at the report provides an overview of the company's financial, operational, environmental and social performance in 2017.

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