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news > storms
entergy earns eei emergency assistance award and emergency recovery award

the edison electric institute today presented 沙特vs墨西哥让球 with the association's "emergency assistance award" after a severe windstorm impacted dallas in june. entergy also received the association's "emergency recovery award" for its outstanding power restoration efforts after hurricane barry hit louisiana in july.

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leo denault, chairman and ceo
leo denault, chairman and ceo
news > investors
沙特vs墨西哥让球 to participate in 54th eei financial conference

chairman and ceo leo denault and members of entergy’s executive team plan to participate in investor meetings during the 54th edison electric institute financial conference.

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news > storms
entergy earns eei emergency assistance award

31st recognition honors efforts to restore power following hurricane michael

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news > storms
entergy earns 30th eei emergency response award

沙特vs墨西哥让球 has received its 30th emergency response award from the edison electric institute for its exceptional assistance in restoring power to citizens following hurricane florence in september 2018.

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news > investors
沙特vs墨西哥让球 to participate in 53rd eei financial conference

沙特vs墨西哥让球 chairman and chief executive officer leo denault and members of entergy’s executive team plan to participate in investor meetings from sunday, nov. 11, 2018 to tuesday, nov. 13, 2018 during the 53rd edison electric institute financial conference.

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news > storms
entergy earns eei emergency assistance award

entergy has received the edison electric institute's emergency assistance award for its exceptional power restoration efforts following several nor’easters that impacted pennsylvania, connecticut, massachusetts and new jersey in march 2018.

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leo denault, chairman and ceo
leo denault, chairman and ceo
news > investors
沙特vs墨西哥让球 chairman and ceo to present at 52nd eei financial conference

chairman and chief executive officer leo denault plans to provide a presentation on tuesday, nov. 7, during the 52nd edison electric institute financial conference.

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news > storms
entergy earns two eei emergency response awards

recognizing entergy employees’ expertise in restoring power to those affected by major outages, the edison electric institute today awarded two emergency response awards to the company. entergy received eei’s emergency recovery award to recognize outstanding power restoration efforts on behalf of its customers and the emergency assistance award for helping other utility companies recover from devastation caused by hurricane matthew.

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leo denault, chairman and ceo
leo denault, chairman and ceo
news > investors
沙特vs墨西哥让球 chairman and ceo to present at 51st eei financial conference

沙特vs墨西哥让球 chairman and chief executive officer leo denault plans to provide a presentation on tuesday, nov. 8, during the 51st edison electric institute financial conference in phoenix, az.

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