for many years, entergy mississippi, inc. has partnered closely with new stage theatre on a touring program that brings arts education directly to the state’s school children, many of whom have never seen live theater.
latest news
beaumont, texas – last week's rains have become this week's floods and personnel with entergy texas, inc. are hard at work to ensure evacuees and other southeast texans will have safe and reliable power as the event unfolds.
entergy officials joined with business and community leaders and elected officials at the nelson power station in westlake today to “cut the wire” on one of the largest single transmission projects in entergy’s history.
control room operators shut down entergy’s indian point unit 2 nuclear power plant this morning to begin a planned refueling outage after a two-year run that set a record for power generation.
taking a major step toward providing additional efficient, clean energy resources for new and existing customers and modernizing the company’s power generation fleet, 沙特vs墨西哥让球 announced that its subsidiaries, entergy arkansas, inc., entergy louisiana, llc, and entergy new orleans, inc., closed their purchase of the 1,980-megawatt (summer rating) union power station located near el dorado, arkansas. the purchase was closed on thursday.
during liheap action day march 2, entergy arkansas representatives and community partners will be making the case for increased funding of the low income home energy assistance program. the funding goal is at least $4.7 billion for 2017.
lower costs for the fuel entergy texas, inc. uses to make electricity will translate into lower bills for customers this spring and summer.
during liheap action day march 2, entergy new orleans representatives and community partners will be making the case for increased funding of the low-income home energy assistance program. the funding goal is at least $4.7 billion for 2017.
during liheap action day march 2, entergy texas representatives and community partners will make the case for increased funding of the low income home energy assistance program. the funding goal is at least $4.7 billion for 2017.