latest news

news > communities
entergy receives award for multi-state effort to improve pre-k education

沙特vs墨西哥让球 today received the annual advocacy excellence award for outstanding achievement from the edison electric institute for its continuing efforts to expand access to quality pre-kindergarten education programs in arkansas, louisiana and mississippi.

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news > communities
entergy announces winners of power to care facebook challenge

after nearly three months of voting, five different nonprofits across entergy's service territory each are receiving $25,000 grants as part of the power to care facebook challenge.

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news > communities
entergy charitable foundation grants total $4.5m for 2010

the entergy charitable foundation today awarded $1.8 million in grants to 52 nonprofit organizations, including a large gift to a group focused on rebuilding new orleans homes, another to help low-income working families build wealth and a third to improve early childhood education in mississippi.

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news > communities
entergy organizes employees, family, friends to help low-income neighbors

thanksgiving is going to be a little cozier this year for more than 20 families whose homes were recently weatherized or repaired by nearly 300 沙特vs墨西哥让球 employee volunteers and community partners.

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news > investors
沙特vs墨西哥让球 exploring sale of vermont yankee nuclear plant

沙特vs墨西哥让球 announced today a process is under way to explore the potential sale of vermont yankee, its 605-megawatt nuclear plant in vernon, vt.

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news > investors
entergy issues forward looking financial update and announces incremental $500m share (cont.)

沙特vs墨西哥让球 today issued 2011 earnings guidance and outlined its preliminary three-year capital expenditure plan for the period 2011 through 2013.

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news > investors
entergy declares dividend

the board of directors of 沙特vs墨西哥让球 has declared a quarterly dividend of 83 cents per common share.

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news > investors
entergy reports third quarter earnings

沙特vs墨西哥让球 today reported third quarter 2010 as-reported earnings of $492.9 million, or $2.62 per share, compared with $455.2 million, or $2.32 per share, for third quarter 2009.

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news > environment
entergy study finds environmental risks could cost gulf coast $700b

沙特vs墨西哥让球 and america's wetland foundation today released a study that shows communities along the gulf coast could suffer more than $350 billion in economic losses over the next 20 years due to growing environmental risks.

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