latest news

news > grid modernization
nearly half-million feet of underground power line in se texas tested; method helps id lines with deteriorating insulation, potential for outages

burying power lines underground may improve the landscape, but it does have its drawbacks. most notably, when a power outage occurs, it may be more difficult to find the exact place in the line that needs to be repaired. plus, making repairs becomes more complicated because of the digging involved to get to the line.

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news > safety
hundreds of inspections completed on indian point unit 2, replacement of reactor liner bolts planned

comprehensive inspections completed during a planned outage at the indian point nuclear power plant show critical components at unit 2 continue to perform safely and as intended, with maintenance required in one area before the plant can be restarted, entergy corp. announced today.

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news > safety
entergy announces outsourcing of security to securitas critical infrastructure services

entergy nuclear vermont yankee, llc announced today that it has awarded a security contract to securitas critical infrastructure services, effective june 28, to provide security and related services at its vermont yankee facility in vernon, vermont as part of its decommissioning efforts.

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news > leadership, communities, investors, environment
沙特vs墨西哥让球 releases 2015 integrated report

沙特vs墨西哥让球 released its 2015 integrated report, clear vision, clear progress, providing an overview of the company's financial, operational, environmental and social performance.

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news > communities
entergy mississippi $100k gift to benefit new stage theatre, state’s school children

for many years, entergy mississippi, inc. has partnered closely with new stage theatre on a touring program that brings arts education directly to the state’s school children, many of whom have never seen live theater.

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news > storms
entergy texas prepares electrical system for historic flooding

beaumont, texas – last week's rains have become this week's floods and personnel with entergy texas, inc. are hard at work to ensure evacuees and other southeast texans will have safe and reliable power as the event unfolds.

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news > grid modernization, growth
wired for growth!

entergy officials joined with business and community leaders and elected officials at the nelson power station in westlake today to “cut the wire” on one of the largest single transmission projects in entergy’s history.

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news > employees
entergy’s indian point unit 2 enters refueling outage after setting record for reliability, online 99.6% of time, generates 17.8m megawatt hours of electricity since last refueling

control room operators shut down entergy’s indian point unit 2 nuclear power plant this morning to begin a planned refueling outage after a two-year run that set a record for power generation.

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news > grid modernization, investors
沙特vs墨西哥让球 subsidiaries close transaction to buy union power station

taking a major step toward providing additional efficient, clean energy resources for new and existing customers and modernizing the company’s power generation fleet, 沙特vs墨西哥让球 announced that its subsidiaries, entergy arkansas, inc., entergy louisiana, llc, and entergy new orleans, inc., closed their purchase of the 1,980-megawatt (summer rating) union power station located near el dorado, arkansas. the purchase was closed on thursday.

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