latest news

searcy solar energy center has 350,000 panels
searcy solar energy center has 350,000 panels
news > customers, growth, environment
entergy arkansas searcy solar energy center now online

the newest solar generation source in the entergy arkansas portfolio of renewable resources is online and pumping power onto the electric grid, officials recently announced.

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keep your home warm and cozy while conserving energy this winter with simple actions.
keep your home warm and cozy while conserving energy this winter with simple actions.
news > customers, energy efficiency
entergy arkansas: energy efficiency can help in managing winter bills

as the temperatures have dropped, chances are your electric bill has not. it takes a lot of energy to make a home comfortable when there is a huge difference between inside and outside temperatures.

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news > customers, energy efficiency
chill your bill, warm your home with energy efficiency tips

entergy mississippi notes simple ways to save money while staying comfy this winter

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news > storms
entergy new orleans prepared for winter weather

after last year’s record-breaking winter, entergy new orleans remains focused on preparing for what mother nature may bring when the weather turns colder. and, while weather can be unpredictable, the company remains storm ready no matter the season.

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pictured top left to right: john dinelli, david hahn and john elnitsky. pictured bottom left to right: joe sullivan and doug pehrson.
pictured top left to right: john dinelli, david hahn and john elnitsky. pictured bottom left to right: joe sullivan and doug pehrson.
news > leadership, employees
entergy nuclear announces leadership moves

ano site vp moves to entergy fleet role. local ano leaders are promoted.

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news > employees, storms
沙特vs墨西哥让球 earns eei emergency response award for power restoration after hurricane ida

recognizing the hard work and dedication of entergy employees, the edison ​electric institute today awarded 沙特vs墨西哥让球 with its emergency response award for the company's recovery efforts following hurricane ida in august 2021.

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these upgrades will benefit electrical customers in southwest mississippi and louisiana
news > communities, customers, grid modernization, growth
entergy mississippi to break ground on substation expansion

$14 million project will benefit customers in southwest mississippi and louisiana

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news > environment
entergy shareholders help create a cleaner louisiana with nearly half million dollars in grants

ten environmental partners in louisiana received shareholder-funded awards to help build a cleaner future for our communities

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adopt a charger was awarded $160,00 for electric vehicle charging stations, including the one pictured at the little rock tech park.
adopt a charger was awarded $160,00 for electric vehicle charging stations, including the one pictured at the little rock tech park.
news > communities, environment
entergy shareholders create cleaner communities with $1m in grants

沙特vs墨西哥让球’s shareholders are helping protect the environment by contributing more than $1 million to 14 partnering organizations, including three in the entergy arkansas service area.

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