latest news

news > safety, storms
entergy’s louisiana utilities monitoring tropical storm ida

entergy new orleans, llc and entergy louisiana, llc are monitoring and planning for the potential impacts from tropical storm ida that is expected to travel across the gulf of mexico in the coming days.

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news > storms
entergy texas monitoring tropical storm ida

the company encourages southeast texas to be storm ready.

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news > communities, customers, grid modernization, energy efficiency
entergy texas completes advanced meter deployment

new energy-saving tools available for customers.

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news > communities
entergy provides nearly $3m to support louisiana communities

entergy louisiana, entergy new orleans and the entergy charitable foundation have helped support louisiana communities in 2021 by contributing nearly $3 million to nonprofit organizations across the state during the first half of the year.

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entergy louisiana recently provided approximately $110,000 to the south louisiana economic council.
entergy louisiana recently provided approximately $110,000 to the south louisiana economic council.
news > communities
entergy helping create more vibrant economy in louisiana’s bayou region

entergy louisiana recently provided approximately $110,000 to the south louisiana economic council.

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batesville network linewoker greg mosier rehydrates (file photo)
batesville network linewoker greg mosier rehydrates (file photo)
news > customers, safety, employees
entergy arkansas extreme heat safety protocols can help you, too

many entergy arkansas teammates spend hours outside each day and working in extreme heat can pose special health and safety hazards. recognizing signs of heat illnesses can save lives.

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news > communities, customers
twenty-one years of fan giveaways to entergy texas customers

the annual fan distribution program helps low-income customers stay cool and save money.

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news > investors
entergy reports second quarter earnings

沙特vs墨西哥让球 reported a second quarter 2021 loss per share of (3) cents on an as-reported basis and earnings per share of $1.34 on an adjusted basis (non-gaap). the as-reported loss included an impairment of $340 million ($268 million net-of-tax) resulting from the sale of indian point energy center. 

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news > customers, energy efficiency
energy usage data plus more available in entergy’s ‘myadvisor’ dashboard

customers can access real-time use, history, current bill and projected usage.

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