latest news

news > storms
entergy’s louisiana utilities finalizing preparations ahead of tropical storm cristobal

storm team of 2,700 ready to respond to outages

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news > customers
entergy arkansas notification of plans to file rider frp application

notice is hereby given that entergy arkansas, llc (eal or the company) will file with the arkansas public service commission (apsc or the commission), on or about july 7, 2020, an application for approval of a rate adjustment and evaluation report pursuant to rate schedule no. 44, formula rate plan rider (rider frp). 

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news > storms
entergy texas ready to respond to tropical storm cristobal

entergy texas is monitoring tropical storm cristobal and is preparing for any impact to southeast texas.

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news > customers, safety, storms
entergy’s louisiana companies monitoring tropical storm cristobal

customers should begin making plans now ahead of potential impacts from severe weather

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news > customers, safety, storms
weather hurricane season with entergy’s safety and preparation tips

hurricane season starts june 1 and with predictions of major activity, entergy’s louisiana companies want to be sure you are prepared.

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news > storms
entergy texas prepared for active hurricane season

entergy texas is ready to respond this hurricane season and wants customers to be prepared too.

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news > grid modernization, growth
entergy mississippi invests $31m to increase reliability in hinds county

entergy mississippi’s $31-million reliability project is underway to upgrade hinds county customers to a technologically-advanced system with increased capacity and reliability.

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news > customers
entergy mississippi rates to drop beginning in june

with $9.71 decrease, bills are 25 percent below the national average

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news > communities, customers, energy efficiency
entergy louisiana expands utility bill relief options for customers

entergy louisiana has developed several new flexible payment options for customers who are having difficulty paying their utility bills due to the covid-19 pandemic.

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