volunteers from blue cross and blue shield of louisiana, healthy blue and entergy will pack 200,000 meals at a series of events benefitting louisiana food banks in recognition of martin luther king jr. day, which is a national day of service.
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the company donated $105,000 to 14 local non-profits
entergy affirms adjusted eps guidance and outlooks; commits to continue to work with regulators on behalf of customers.
entergy released this statement in response to the dec. 23 orders issued by the federal energy regulatory commission on claims filed against system energy resources, inc.
125 additional beds are being placed in service tonight at the city of new orleans’ low-barrier shelter to take homeless people off the streets during the deep freeze, as a result of a grant from entergy new orleans.
food pantries and local organizations provide relief during the holidays and year-round
entergy arkansas and the little rock international association of fire fighters (iaff) local 34 partnered again this year to donate “operation warm” coats to hundreds of students in the little rock school district wednesday, just as a cold front starts making its way into the company’s service territory and the students’ winter break begins.
jackson headquarters employees donate food to north jackson elementary school
entergy arkansas is prepared for the likelihood that winter weather will affect parts of the company’s service territory thursday, dec. 22, through saturday, dec. 24, with temperatures below freezing, strong winds and precipitation.