entergy arkansas, llc, and nextera energy resources, llc, a subsidiary of nextera energy, inc. announced today plans to build a 100-megawatt solar energy facility in white county near searcy.
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out of concern for security and safety, entergy arkansas began march 1 closing the gate on the road to the tailrace area at the base of remmel dam at 10 p.m. nightly. the gate is re-opened at 5 a.m.
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entergy shareholders provided $9.7 million in grants in 2018 to support more than 700 nonprofit organizations that provide essential services and help build healthy, vibrant communities across louisiana. approximately 50 percent of the contributions went to support education and workforce development.
entergy’s indian point unit 3 nuclear power plant began its 20th and final refueling and maintenance outage when control room operators removed the reactor from service early monday morning.
it’s that time of year again. on sunday, march 10, don’t forget to spring forward and set your clocks ahead one hour.
entergy’s pilgrim nuclear power station was returned to normal, baseline oversight by the nuclear regulatory commission this week, moving the plant from column 4 to column 1 in the agency’s reactor oversight program.
several experienced leaders will fill key roles in customer service.
several experienced entergy mississippi leaders will fill key roles as the company sharpens its focus on customer service and builds the utility of the future.
it’s that time of year again when we all need to set our clocks ahead one hour to spring forward on sunday, march 10. it’s also the time of year for spring cleaning and outdoor home improvement projects. as we all begin to venture outside again to tackle those outdoor projects, now is the perfect time to brush up on your outdoor safety knowledge.