recently, crews began installation of equipment to support the communications network for entergy texas’ advanced metering.
latest insights
we are replacing traditional wooden crossarms with stronger, more durable fiberglass models.
the award recognizes the company's commitment to recruiting, hiring and retaining veterans.
entergy is building a smarter energy infrastructure by including devices to automate the distribution of power on the lines that feed millions of homes and businesses across its four-state service area.
entergy louisiana customers’ homes and businesses will continue to be powered by emission-free energy from the toledo bend hydroelectric plant under a recently approved agreement.
whether it’s through investments to help create jobs and spur community growth, donating to law enforcement agencies to protect officers and residents, supporting the arts and beautifying urban spaces, or aiding local food pantries in an effort to alleviate hunger — entergy gives back year-round to the communities it serves.
three generations of vaughans power life for entergy customers.
despite the damage and loss of power, crew members said west florida residents were among the kindest and most resilient folks around, which made “plugging in those meters and fuses” even more rewarding.
as cooler temperatures roll in, so do shorter days and longer nights.