latest insights

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need payment help? take advantage of payment arrangements

entergy new orleans has implemented an enhanced customer assistance plan to support you in managing your electric and gas bills.

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with advanced meters, estimated readings should become a thing of the past.
insights > tips and tools
letter to agricultural customers regarding advanced metering

hopefully you have heard that entergy arkansas is upgrading its electric meters to an advanced metering system. this includes the meter on your agricultural well pumps.

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insights > tips and tools
entergy reaches milestone with 2m advanced meters installed

grid modernization strategy brings added customer benefits, improved outage management

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the nose knows – how to sniff out a gas leak

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insights > tips and tools
don’t fall back: take safety measures at home this season

entergy reminds you to get started on your fall home maintenance and to take additional safety measures in and around your home. please take a moment to review these common seasonal risks and how you can prevent accidents before they happen.

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insights > tips and tools
need payment help? take advantage of payment arrangements

given the economic effects of the pandemic, entergy mississippi suspended customer disconnections for non-payment of bills or for past-due amounts in march. during this time, the company implemented an enhanced customer assistance plan that provides new flexible options to extend time to pay. under this plan, any customer with financial hardship can take up to twelve months to pay a current bill and/or unpaid balances.

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insights > tips and tools
need payment help? take advantage of payment arrangements

given the economic effects of the pandemic, entergy texas has implemented an enhanced customer assistance program to assist customers with past due balances.

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insights > tips and tools
halloween safety reminder: zeta restoration work

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costs of everyday items have changed
costs of everyday items have changed
insights > tips and tools
electricity versus a cup of coffee - the cost of each may surprise you

as i sit here on the couch with my laptop and drink a cold soda, the tv humming in the background and my ceiling fan cooling my sweaty self after hanging holiday lights, i am keenly aware of all the electricity i’m using.

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