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insights > tips and tools
deflate your holiday costs with inflatable decorations

although many assume that inflatable holiday decorations use significant energy, they often can be less of a hit to your energy bill than traditional string lights.

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use these tips to stay comfortable and save.
use these tips to stay comfortable and save.
insights > tips and tools
5 ways to save while staying warm

it may be getting colder outside, but here are five ways to keep your home cozy without the discomfort of high energy bills.

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insights > storms
how entergy texas is preparing its power plants for winter

hear from jason willis, vice president of power generation for entergy texas, to learn more about what the company is doing to protect its power plants and prepare for winter. 

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insights > storms
entergy new orleans president and ceo david ellis updates customers on february’s winter storm

entergy new orleans president and ceo david ellis shares more details for customers on the company’s analysis following february’s winter storm.

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knowing the facts will help you reduce your energy bills and make your home more comfortable.
knowing the facts will help you reduce your energy bills and make your home more comfortable.
insights > tips and tools
3 common myths about home heating

knowing the facts will help you reduce your energy bills and make your home more comfortable.

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insights > tips and tools
3 reasons why your furnace turns on and off constantly

it’s a common problem known as “short cycling.” here’s what may be causing your furnace to short cycle and what you can do about it.

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insights > tips and tools
winter weather is right around the corner

while you may be wearing a t-shirt on saturday, you’ll need cold-weather gear by sunday morning. parts of louisiana could see temperatures drop to the 20s overnight.

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insights > storms
winter storm outage update

we expect the majority of customers will be restored today. restoration for some will be tomorrow, due to winter storm conditions affecting our workers’ ability to safely travel to outage locations.

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insights > tips and tools
creating a winter wonderland at home?

radio stations are playing holiday music and twinkling lights line the main streets in town. for some, part of the celebration of the season involves decorating their house with lights. entergy louisiana has some bright ideas to help put safety first this holiday season with a few simple reminders and precautions.

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