our crews continue working safely to restore your power as quickly as possible. we anticipate having 75% of customers restored today and all customers who can safely take power restored no later than monday, july 15.
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entergy texas expects to have more than 75% of customers restored by the end of day friday.
las cuadrillas continúan evaluando los daños en las zonas más afectadas, mientras restablecen el suministro eléctrico a las comunidades lo antes posible
crews will continue to assess damage in hard-hit areas while safely restoring power as quickly as possible to communities.
los equipos siguen avanzando y han logrado restablecer el suministro eléctrico a casi el 60% de los clientes afectados por el huracán beryl
crews continue to make progress, successfully restoring power to nearly 60% of customers impacted by hurricane beryl.
los equipos restablecen más del 50% de los clientes dos días después de que el huracán beryl tocara tierra
crews restore more than 50% of customers two days after hurricane beryl’s landfall.
at 12:30 p.m., our restoration workers have restored approximately 45% of the electrical power outages caused by hurricane beryl.