latest insights

by learning to recognize the signs of heat-related illnesses and taking steps to prevent them, you can keep your employees safe, comfortable and productive.
by learning to recognize the signs of heat-related illnesses and taking steps to prevent them, you can keep your employees safe, comfortable and productive.
insights > tips and tools
keeping outdoor workers safe in hot weather

by learning to recognize the signs of heat-related illnesses and taking steps to prevent them, you can keep your employees safe, comfortable and productive.

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in a home, the best conductors are the electrical wiring and plumbing.
insights > tips and tools
fact or fable? you shouldn't shower during a thunderstorm

“you should not shower during a thunderstorm.” you’ve probably heard this old wives’ tale at one point or another. it may sound silly that you’d need to skip a shower or bath if there’s thunder or lightning, but as it turns out, this old tale rings true.

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insights > our future
entergy mississippi sharpens focus on service reliability

program identifies, addresses under-performing devices

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insights > people power, storms
mississippi employee helps neighbor identify and correct generator hazard

during the winter storm in february, entergy employee matt courtney of clinton received a call from an elderly neighbor whose power was out. she had been running a space heater with a portable generator and needed help connecting it to her refrigerator to keep her food from spoiling.

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insights > tips and tools, storms
what to do if you spot a downed power line

it's always best to assume all downed lines are energized.

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keep you and your home safe with these helpful tips
keep you and your home safe with these helpful tips
insights > tips and tools
make room at home for electrical safety

electricity is a safe and reliable form of energy. however, it can be dangerous if not treated properly. the following is a checklist of items that you can use throughout your home to help protect your family.

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insights > our future, people power
entergy proves essential for hometown health care

as health care professionals continue to learn about covid-19 and the promise of new vaccines, companies like entergy continue to manage the countless uncertainties of operating during a pandemic. every day, employees rise to the challenge and overcome obstacles in order to keep the lights on and the gas flowing for customers.

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insights > tips and tools
don’t fall back: take safety measures at home this season

entergy reminds you to get started on your fall home maintenance and to take additional safety measures in and around your home. please take a moment to review these common seasonal risks and how you can prevent accidents before they happen.

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chad newport of russellville is one of 11 new graduates of linemen's boot camp.
chad newport of russellville is one of 11 new graduates of linemen's boot camp.
insights > our future, people power
linemen’s boot camp graduates ready to begin new careers

entergy arkansas linemen got an influx of new blood this week with the graduation of 11 apprentice linemen from the summer 2020 linemen’s boot camp.

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