latest insights
entergy has been part of jerry wilson jr.’s life as long as he can remember. his father recently retired from the company after 40 years of service. when it came time to choose his own career path, jerry was naturally drawn to the company.
as your kids get ready for trick-or-treating, these reminders can help ensure that festivities are fun and safe for everyone.
after a storm like hurricane ida, widespread power outages and high summer temperatures often lead people to turn to portable generators to keep air circulating and refrigerators running. but improper use of gas generators is one of the leading dangers after a storm passes.
by learning to recognize the signs of heat-related illnesses and taking steps to prevent them, you can keep your employees safe, comfortable and productive.
in a home, the best conductors are the electrical wiring and plumbing.
“you should not shower during a thunderstorm.” you’ve probably heard this old wives’ tale at one point or another. it may sound silly that you’d need to skip a shower or bath if there’s thunder or lightning, but as it turns out, this old tale rings true.
program identifies, addresses under-performing devices