latest insights

insights > storms
a resilient system: entergy gas stands strong after hurricane ida

when hurricane ida’s catastrophic and damaging winds left more than 900,000 customers without power across southeast louisiana, entergy gas customers in new orleans and baton rouge were able to use an alternative means to power their needs.

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insights > our future
entergy mississippi sharpens focus on service reliability

program identifies, addresses under-performing devices

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participants learned how green and gray infrastructure can help mitigate against the impact of climate change.
participants learned how green and gray infrastructure can help mitigate against the impact of climate change.
insights > giving back
entergy sponsors climate resiliency workshop with loyola university

to inspire young people to help find new solutions to the flooding issues presented by climate change, entergy sponsored a week-long educational symposium, loyola academy science + design, hosted by loyola university.

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insights > our future
entergy territory is resilience personified (site selection magazine)

the company’s utility business puts service to its 3 million customers at the top of its priority list. in the process, entergy’s five operating companies are helping to build a region.

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