latest insights

insights > storms
it only takes one…10th anniversary of hurricane gustav a reminder to always be prepared

do you remember what you were doing on labor day 10 years ago? if you’re an entergy mississippi customer chances are you do.

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insights > giving back
attala plant welcomes victor to county’s crime-fighting team

like many small law-enforcement agencies across the country, the attala county sheriff 's office often relies on community support to acquire new tools and equipment — or, in the most recent case, to get victor.

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insights > tips and tools
entergy mississippi property search tool: information at your fingertips any time, anywhere

site selection is one of the most critical decisions a business can make, and entergy mississippi’s free commercial and industrial property database offers a high-powered, intuitive site selection tool to help businesses search and find sites.

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insights > people power
a little kindness goes a thousand miles

entergy mississippi employees’ generosity helped colleagues start over after hurricane harvey.

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insights > our future
meadville circuit latest target in billion-dollar grid modernization effort

$1.55 million rebuild on track for end-of-year completion

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insights > people power
power principle: a conversation with glenn isom

glenn isom, a region engineering supervisor for entergy mississippi’s northern region, has been with the company since 1985. learn how teamwork helps him power life for the communities we serve.

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completing a quick survey can enhance your nonprofit’s statewide profile and funding support.
insights > giving back
it’s not too late to have your nonprofit included in the 2018 statewide nonprofit database!

the mississippi center for nonprofits is inviting every nonprofit in the state to include your data in its latest statewide nonprofit database by completing a survey.

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insights > giving back
entergy nuclear grant supports tougaloo college visual and performing arts program

in june, approximately 100 students from kindergarten to 12th grades gathered in the bennie g. thompson lecture hall at tougaloo college to kick off their annual week-long visual and performing arts summer camp. entergy nuclear staff joined the assembly to present a $12,500 grant to support the five-day camp.

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insights > our future, storms
the ‘brain’ of the electric grid in the heart of the capital city

our new $20 million doc manages thousands of miles of electric lines that serve more than 449,000 homes and businesses in mississippi.

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