latest insights

insights > our future, giving back
grants available for environmental projects that help strengthen entergy's communities

entergy is committed to building healthy, more vibrant communities. that's why our environmental initiatives fund is providing $1 million in shareholder-funded grants to support environmental projects and solutions that help strengthen our communities for the future.

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entergy again funds mardi gras recycling initiative.
entergy again funds mardi gras recycling initiative.
insights > giving back
throw me something recyclable, mister

entergy is once again working with grounds krewe, a nonprofit organization focused on waste prevention, to increase mardi gras recycling efforts and expand the use of eco-friendly throws and consumable goods.

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insights > our future
entergy chiefs: we all have a stake in a cleaner environment through lower emissions (the advocate)

the gulf south, particularly communities within louisiana, is home to the largest industrial economy in the united states. the energy needs of this group of customers is unique and energy demands are growing, including new industry coming to louisiana.

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insights > people power, giving back
entergy sponsors blue bikes hub in downtown new orleans

entergy, the city of new orleans and the louisiana public health institute have partnered to make new orleans one of the top 10 cities in the united states for cycling. entergy is continuing to ensure that more wheels are on the ground each year through its continued support for bicycle infrastructure. on jan. 26, entergy unveiled a sponsored electric blue bikes hub in front of the entergy corporate building on loyola avenue.

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insights > our future
leo denault: an opportunity to help industrial customers achieve their own carbon reduction goals

entergy's chairman and ceo leo denault participated in an executive panel discussion on the pivotal role american electric utilities will play in providing a clean energy future for everyone.

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entergy arkansas' david wasson (far right) and other volunteers plant native seeds along the new river channel.
entergy arkansas' david wasson (far right) and other volunteers plant native seeds along the new river channel.
insights > our future, people power, giving back
entergy arkansas helps with saline solution

the nature conservancy had removed a major barrier, an old, washed-out road and culvert system, from this site situated along a tributary to the alum fork of the saline river. the crossing here had been impassable for years, yet was causing erosion that ultimately landed in the saline river, and that was preventing fish from migrating up and down the river system. thc had a solution, and entergy was happy to have the opportunity to help.

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insights > our future
entergy offers cost-effective shore power solutions (workboat magazine)

by relying on entergy’s electricity grid to power vessels, our customers can reduce fuel use of vessels in port with cleaner, inexpensive entergy electricity.

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you can help stop the drain on this precious resource with these simple conservation tips.
insights > tips and tools
simple ways to save water at home

you can help stop the drain on this precious resource with these simple conservation tips.

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participants learned how green and gray infrastructure can help mitigate against the impact of climate change.
participants learned how green and gray infrastructure can help mitigate against the impact of climate change.
insights > giving back
entergy sponsors climate resiliency workshop with loyola university

to inspire young people to help find new solutions to the flooding issues presented by climate change, entergy sponsored a week-long educational symposium, loyola academy science + design, hosted by loyola university.

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