latest insights

insights > storms
entergy crews head east to respond to hurricane ian’s aftermath

entergy is sending an initial wave of more than 820 restoration workers to support a safe restoration effort in anticipation of widespread damage from hurricane ian, including vegetation and line crews.

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don’t wait for weather conditions to deteriorate to prepare for severe weather.
don’t wait for weather conditions to deteriorate to prepare for severe weather.
insights > storms
fall is here, but stay alert to tropical conditions

leaves are changing, temperatures are dropping, everything is flavored with pumpkin spice … today is officially the start of fall. but don’t let the calendar fool you: hurricane season doesn’t officially end until nov. 30.

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insights > tips and tools
how to protect yourself against five common scams

every month, it seems like another scam comes into play. scammers are becoming more elusive and convincing, especially in the digital age. check out these tips to help protect yourself from scammers or people claiming to work for entergy in these five common areas.

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over their entire life cycle, electric vehicles can make a meaningful difference in reducing global emissions.
over their entire life cycle, electric vehicles can make a meaningful difference in reducing global emissions.
insights > tips and tools, our future
are electric vehicles really better for the environment?

it’s important to remember that an electric vehicle must be charged, and that power has to come from somewhere. so, your local utility’s fuel mix matters.

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finding the answer just takes a little math.
finding the answer just takes a little math.
insights > tips and tools, our future
how much does it really cost to charge an electric vehicle?

with automobile manufacturers introducing new options for electric vehicles, many consumers are giving them another look. as you make decisions about your next family vehicle, it can be difficult to know the true costs of charging an electric car versus filling up a traditional tank.

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stay alert and stay prepared to be storm ready.
stay alert and stay prepared to be storm ready.
insights > storms
don’t let the quiet fool you: hurricane season isn’t over

our region has been lucky this year, but don’t let your guard down. we are entering the peak of the 2022 atlantic hurricane season.

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american indian college fund celebrates american indian and alaskan scholarship recipients with pow wow during new orleans jazz and heritage festival
american indian college fund celebrates american indian and alaskan scholarship recipients with pow wow during new orleans jazz and heritage festival
insights > our future, giving back
we’ve partnered with 560 local organizations in 2022 to build stronger, more diverse communities

entergy awards more than $7.9 million in charitable contributions for first half of 2022

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insights > tips and tools
weekend energy warrior: air sealing your attic

secure your attic against energy waste with this simple plan of attack.

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insights > tips and tools
faqs: how does the rising cost of natural gas impact my utility bill?

this summer has brought some of the hottest weather on record, leading to record-level electricity usage by our customers. we remain committed to remaining one of the most affordable utilities in the country.

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