entergy arkansas is a key partner with the state in a new initiative designed to help communities become more competitive in bringing jobs and investment to arkansas.
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entergy arkansas is sharing and caring in the ozarks.
students learn about nuclear energy and how they can prepare for career opportunities in the industry.
we'll do all we can to keep the lights on as we complete these upgrades.
we have determined the outage on march 24 and two outages on march 29 were caused by an equipment failure on the remaining operational line. the issue was at the jim hill substation in southeast missouri, just east of st. francis.
"i'm obsessed with communicating with customers after contact with the phone centers, until the meter is set."
there are two lucky dogs living near emerson, arkansas. they’re lucky magnolia serviceman phillip knapp was on the job mid-morning feb. 22 investigating power outages on highway 79 just after a thunderstorm passed through.
earlier this week, 沙特vs墨西哥让球’s internal cyber-security monitoring systems detected issues on its corporate network. the issues have been isolated, a remedy has been deployed, and the systems are coming back online.
palmer began his career at the company in 2001 at the system operations center in pine bluff. from there, he’s held various engineering positions, as well as supervised meter services personnel, servicemen, and linemen in little rock.
johnny's power principle is a good reflection of the leadership practices of role clarity and engaged leadership and the employee practice of safety-driven.