rod thomas is an engineer for entergy mississippi, inc., and he's been part of the entergy family for just over two years.
latest insights
entergy sponsored the shangri la botanical gardens and nature center’s annual eco-fest celebration, which funded the purchase of 1,500 monarch butterflies. the butterflies were released in orange during the april 22 event.
gary c. colar sr. is a senior safety specialist in entergy new orleans’ gas distribution department. gary has been with the entergy family for 40 years.
altogether, entergy employees packed or sorted almost 20 tons of food, enough to provide more than 30,000 meals for louisianians in need.
melissa bochat is a community development program representative for entergy texas and has been with the entergy family for almost nine years.
kenneth polite, former u.s. attorney, to lead entergy’s ethics and compliance organization
marcia is an administrative specialist at river bend nuclear station in louisiana and has been part of the entergy family for 31 years.
jarrod clavell, who joined entergy after active duty in the u.s. nuclear navy, has been part of the company for 22 years. he's pictured above with his wife, apryl.