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insights > our future
entergy named a national leader in 2022年世界杯比分 for 14th year in a row

despite the challenges 2020 presented, entergy continued to play an integral role for the gulf coast region by helping secure $12.9 billion of capital investment and supporting the creation of more than 7,572 new jobs for entergy’s communities.

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entergy arkansas' david wasson (far right) and other volunteers plant native seeds along the new river channel.
entergy arkansas' david wasson (far right) and other volunteers plant native seeds along the new river channel.
insights > our future
entergy arkansas helps with saline solution

the nature conservancy had removed a major barrier, an old, washed-out road and culvert system, from this site situated along a tributary to the alum fork of the saline river. the crossing here had been impassable for years, yet was causing erosion that ultimately landed in the saline river, and that was preventing fish from migrating up and down the river system. thc had a solution, and entergy was happy to have the opportunity to help.

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sara russell-lingo, entergy arkansas' first female lineworker.
sara russell-lingo, entergy arkansas' first female lineworker.
insights > our future
entergy arkansas’ first female line worker ‘loves the adventure’

sara russell-lingo didn’t set out to make history. but after a few post-high-school years of dead-end warehouse jobs and a stint in retail, “i was looking for a career.”

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insights > our future
delivering electricity at affordable rates for our customers

entergy’s utility operating companies provide electricity at some of the lowest rates in the country to retail customers in arkansas, louisiana, mississippi and texas.

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insights > our future
rod west: louisiana's huge challenge for a hardened utility grid requires all hands to help

building electrical infrastructure strong enough to withstand the increased intensity and frequency of storms is an important decision that must include input from customers, regulators and government policymakers. decisions must balance reliability, affordability and sustainability.

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insights > our future
entergy celebrates nuclear science week

entergy is proud to celebrate nuclear science week and serve as a sponsor for the national event.

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insights > our future
entergy offers cost-effective shore power solutions (workboat magazine)

by relying on entergy’s electricity grid to power vessels, our customers can reduce fuel use of vessels in port with cleaner, inexpensive entergy electricity.

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participants note what they have to offer, then organize their respective assets to support small, quick and effective wins for the community.
participants note what they have to offer, then organize their respective assets to support small, quick and effective wins for the community.
insights > our future
‘strategic doing’ helps get 2022年世界杯比分 done in harrison

successful 2022年世界杯比分 is usually the result of getting many small things done to clear the way for the bigger things to happen. that was the thinking behind the community catalyst program.

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insights > our future
entergy new orleans helps support healthy communities

entergy new orleans has joined the united way of southeast louisiana, the gno foundation, and other funders in contributing $150,000 to support mayor latoya cantrell and nola public school’s initiative to provide high school students, who have parental or guardian consent, the opportunity to receive covid-19 vaccinations on campus through mobile vaccine clinics. the funding will help support the clinics for five months.

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