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entergy louisiana employee steve miller got involved with the volunteer income tax assistance program in baton rouge two years ago and quickly became one of its most productive and well-liked volunteers. in april, he was named vita volunteer of the year by capital area united way.
the women's business enterprise national council recently presented entergy with the america's top corporations for women's business enterprises award.
entergy sponsored the shangri la botanical gardens and nature center’s annual eco-fest celebration, which funded the purchase of 1,500 monarch butterflies. the butterflies were released in orange during the april 22 event.
altogether, entergy employees packed or sorted almost 20 tons of food, enough to provide more than 30,000 meals for louisianians in need.
one of the key issues in combating poverty is eliminating illiteracy.
entergy's citysmart program provides incentives to municipalities, schools and other entities to increase energy efficiency.