latest insights

insights > tips and tools
how to protect yourself against five common scams

every month, it seems like another scam comes into play. scammers are becoming more elusive and convincing, especially in the digital age. check out these tips to help protect yourself from scammers or people claiming to work for entergy in these five common areas.

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insights > giving back
united states steel corporation donates $1m to osceola-area organizations

united states steel corporation, through its big river works facilities, presented $1 million in donations to organizations in osceola and mississippi county, arkansas, to help equip the community for the future by strengthening infrastructure and essential services. u. s. steel’s partners at entergy arkansas were inspired by these efforts and have committed to also donate $100,000 to bolster the community projects.

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over their entire life cycle, electric vehicles can make a meaningful difference in reducing global emissions.
over their entire life cycle, electric vehicles can make a meaningful difference in reducing global emissions.
insights > tips and tools, our future
are electric vehicles really better for the environment?

it’s important to remember that an electric vehicle must be charged, and that power has to come from somewhere. so, your local utility’s fuel mix matters.

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finding the answer just takes a little math.
finding the answer just takes a little math.
insights > tips and tools, our future
how much does it really cost to charge an electric vehicle?

with automobile manufacturers introducing new options for electric vehicles, many consumers are giving them another look. as you make decisions about your next family vehicle, it can be difficult to know the true costs of charging an electric car versus filling up a traditional tank.

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real solutions to assist entergy arkansas customers

many factors impact your energy bills, with usage and weather as the leading contributors. this summer has brought some of the hottest weather on record.

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insights > tips and tools
how the rising cost of natural gas affects your utility bill

while we have taken steps to limit our use of natural gas, we purchase natural gas to fuel some of our plants that create electricity for customers.

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insights > storms
lake charles dedicates downtown statue to linemen who restored post-hurricane power

a new statue has been dedicated in downtown lake charles saluting the linemen and linewomen who came from all over the united states to restore electrical power after hurricane laura.

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insights > our future
hydrogen energy & southeast texas: why here, why now?

southeast texas is well positioned to play a key role in the growing low-to-zero carbon hydrogen industry, as we are in the heart of hydrogen producers, extensive hydrogen pipeline delivery infrastructure, hydrogen storage capability and industrial customers.

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insights > our future
energía de hidrógeno y el sureste de texas: ¿por qué aquí y por qué ahora?

el sureste de texas está bien posicionado para desempeñar un papel clave en la creciente industria del hidrógeno

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