hurricane damage

the most dangerous part of a storm is often just after it has passed. customers should stay aware, stay safe

don't become careless after a storm and let your “safety guard” down. just because you can’t see any apparent danger doesn’t mean there isn’t any.


safety is our core value

after a storm has passed, naturally thoughts center on getting back in, fixing the damage and getting back to normal as quickly as possible. but beware: the time after the storm can be more dangerous than the storm itself. your safety and the safety of our employees and contractors is a core value.

entergy employees will work only when and where conditions are safe and secure to do so. likewise, you should consider returning home only when you know it is safe.

don't become careless after a storm and let your “safety guard” down. just because you can’t see any apparent danger doesn’t mean there isn’t any. for example, downed power lines may still be energized. treat them with respect to avoid being electrocuted. 

we urge you to use caution after the storm and remember these important safety tips:

  • stay away from downed power lines and areas of debris. energized power lines may not be visible among the rubble. report downed lines immediately to entergy at 1-800-9outage (1-800-968-8243), and call your local police station or fire department.
  • return home only when authorities advise, and drive only on roadways and bridges that have been declared passable.
  • if a power line falls on your vehicle while driving, continue to drive away from the line.
  • don’t walk in flooded areas or standing water. remember that wet tree limbs can conduct electricity.
  • keep your distance from working crews. work sites can have any number of hidden dangers for the public, and distracting crews can cause accidents to happen.

be cautious when entering your home, and watch for snakes, insects and other animals that may have been driven to higher ground by flood water.

hurricane damage

  • if you use a portable electric generator, do so only in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. never connect a generator directly to a building’s wiring without a licensed electrician disconnecting the house wiring from entergy’s service. otherwise, it can create a safety hazard for the customer or our crews working to restore power. and it may damage the generator or the house wiring. learn more about generator safety.
  • don’t step in water to get to the fuse box or circuit breaker. 
  • look for electrical system damage once power is restored. if you see sparks or broken or frayed wires, or if the smell of hot insulation is noticeable, turn off the electricity at either the main fuse box or circuit breaker. call a licensed electrician for advice when necessary.

stay alert for natural gas leaks. if you smell natural gas, or if you hear a blowing or hissing noise, open a window and leave the area immediately. do not operate electrical switches. if possible, turn the outside main gas valve off and call 1-800-9outage (1-800-968-8243) from a neighbor’s house. learn more about gas safety.

  • stay tuned to your local radio station for emerging safety information.
  • check for sewage and water line damage. avoid using the toilets and call a licensed plumber if you suspect pipes or water lines are damaged. if water pipes are damaged, avoid tap water and contact the water company immediately.
  • if your home is wet, open doors and windows to dry it.
  • examine all food in the refrigerator, and dispose of anything that has spoiled. check these guidelines on food safety during an emergency.
  • take numerous pictures of any damage to your house, as well as the contents, for insurance claims.
  • after the storm can be as intense a time as it is during the storm. be patient. use your emergency supplies kit until help arrives. help your neighbor, and don’t be afraid to ask for help. tend to the injured, and call emergency personnel for help when it’s needed.

call 1-800-9outage (1-800-968-8243) to report downed power lines