storm center > we are preparing to respond to severe weather predicted to strike this weekend

we are preparing to respond to severe weather predicted to strike this weekend


we are preparing to respond to severe weather predicted to strike our service territory this weekend. as part of our preparations, we are incorporating needed precautions related to the covid-19 pandemic. 

the current forecast shows this weather will affect east texas in the early morning hours sunday, then push across the territory sunday afternoon, spreading into the southeastern u.s. around midnight. 

we know how essential your power is to you, especially during the covid-19 pandemic. our detailed, rehearsed plan enables us to assemble and organize the workforce needed to safely and quickly restore your service if affected by these storms. however, due to additional efforts we must take due to the covid-19 pandemic, restoration times may be extended, especially if there are widespread outages. 

in addition to our internal restoration workforce, we are acquiring 475 additional restoration workers from outside our territory to arrive on sunday. 

our response plans include maintaining additional safety precautions during the covid-19 pandemic, such as adjusting crew staging locations to help team members maintain social distancing. as with all storm preparation, part of the planning is making sure we have enough utility poles, transformers and wires, for example. because of the current landscape with covid-19, there's added safety equipment and measures to consider, such as masks and hand sanitizer. 

as we respond to these storms, and anytime you see our workers in the field, please stay away from their work zones. this helps ensure their safety and yours. 

if you need to report a problem with your service or get bill payment help, we’re just a phone call away: 1-800-entergy. 

we will keep you informed throughout about our response. here is how you can get information: 

  • download our app for your smartphone at
  • sign up for text alerts. from your cell phone, text r-e-g to 368374.
  • visit the entergy storm center website and our view outages page.
  • follow us on twitter or facebook.
  • call us at 800-9outage (800-968-8243).
  • follow updates in your local news media, like radio, television and newspapers. 

as you make your own preparations: 

  • charge battery-operated devices such as smartphones in advance of the storms.
  • follow instructions from emergency management officials.
  • make sure you have basic emergency and first aid supplies. find out more on the entergy storm center website.
  • limit opening your refrigerator during an outage to keep food colder for a longer period.
  • freeze containers of water for ice to help keep food cold in the freezer if your power goes out.