storm center > tree removal, pole setting and power restoration underway in jefferson davis parish

tree removal, pole setting and power restoration underway in jefferson davis parish


matt hornsby, an entergy louisiana line worker, spent much of friday coordinating restoration efforts along highway 101 in lacassine, a community in jefferson davis parish that was hard-hit by hurricane laura.  

in between scattered thunderstorms that brought heavy periods of rain and lightning, hornsby made sure tree trimmers and distribution linemen were directed to trouble spots and had what they needed to work safely.

“hurricane laura hit this area hard, but we’re going to continue repairing and rebuilding the electrical system in this area and others until every customer who can safely take service has power,” hornsby said.

many houses and structures, as well as electrical infrastructure along highway 101, were damaged after laura’s high winds knocked down trees and utility poles — and in some cases, trees falling into power lines.

the restoration process was well underway friday with crews isolating and grounding electrical equipment. this enabled others to cut uprooted or downed trees and limbs piece by piece until they were cleared off power lines, transformers and other equipment. other crews were digging, some manually where an auger could not be used, and setting new poles.

the restoration process, hornsby explained, begins with crews assessing damages to determine what materials and personnel need to be deployed to specific locations. that information is sent back to local networks so that members of entergy’s storm team can put together a plan to safely and quickly restore power.

then, crews head to the field to remove trees and limbs, make repairs and set new poles and equipment like transformers and power lines.

customer information

customers with property damage may require special action to speed their restoration:

  • entergy cannot restore power to a location with a damaged meter base, conduit or weather head (the metal pipe extending upward from the structure with electrical cables inside). they must be repaired by a qualified electrician before entergy can restore power.
  • if your property has any water damage, please turn off the electricity at either the main fuse box or circuit breaker. don’t step in water to get to the fuse box or circuit breaker.
  • call a licensed electrician for advice when necessary. a licensed electrician may need to inspect your property’s electric wiring before entergy can restore power to a home or business which has water damage from rain or floodwaters.

for customers without property damage:

  • property owners without hurricane damage should be cautious.
  • look for electrical system damage once power is restored. if you see sparks, broken or frayed wires, or the smell of hot insulation is noticeable, turn off the electricity at either the main fuse box or circuit breaker.
  • call a licensed electrician for advice when necessary. don’t step in water to get to the fuse box or circuit breaker.

louisiana editorial team