storm center > spring is near, prepare for hit or miss weather

spring is near, prepare for hit or miss weather


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photo courtesy of getty images

entergy texas recognizes severe weather awareness week, feb. 20 - 26

spring symbolizes a new beginning, but when it comes to seasonal changes, the uncertainty of weather remains. severe weather awareness week for the state of texas is february 20 - 26.

entergy texas plans and trains all year to respond and restore power when extreme, unpredictable weather causes power outages and downed power lines. the cycle of planning, preparation and training prepares the company for every weather situation 

extreme weather events are increasing in strength and frequency across our region. monitoring weather patterns is essential to making sure our crews are ready to respond and restore power, should our service be impacted. 

additionally, entergy texas has implemented changes to harden and modernize its infrastructure. the investments will help improve grid resiliency and minimize power disruptions for customers. 

as we begin to enter the new season, we’re encouraging customers to prepare now for unexpected weather. 

make a plan 

prepare for extreme weather in advance by assembling an emergency kit of basic supplies. knowing exactly when and where severe weather will occur is unlikely, so preparing in advance is critical. entergy texas can help customers prepare with tips on developing a family plan and preparing an emergency kit of basic supplies. for more information, visit 

after stocking up, customers should ensure they have several ways of getting severe weather warnings. install a smartphone app that will alert you when severe weather is in the area or sign up for emergency alerts that are available for customers. a weather radio with a loud alarm can also help  when severe weather threatens overnight. 

for additional information on preparing for severe weather, visit 

stay informed 

knowing how to communicate with entergy texas after a storm is important. there are several ways to stay informed and report outages and downed power lines: 

  • download our free app for your smartphone at 
  • sign up for text alerts by texting reg to 36778 and have your account number and zip code handy. the registration pattern is as follows, including spaces: reg (account number) (zip code). once registered, text out to 36778 to report an outage. you can also report an outage online as a guest. 
  • visit the entergy storm center website and our view outages 
  • follow entergy texas on facebook and twitter. 

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