storm center > september is national preparedness month

september is national preparedness month


national preparedness month is sponsored every september by the federal emergency management administration to highlight the importance of preparing for disasters and emergencies that could happen at any time. as we roll through the busiest part of the hurricane season and encounter a heightened risk of wildfires, we’re reminded how unpredictable mother nature can be year-round: since january, our customers have been impacted by severe thunderstorms, tornadoes, winter storms and record-breaking heat.

this year, fema’s focus is preparing and educating older adults for disasters. seniors often have additional medical, dietary and/or transportation needs and considerations when facing a weather disaster. older adults can face greater risks when it comes to the multitude of extreme weather events and emergencies we now face, especially if they are living alone, are low-income, have a disability, or live in rural areas.

keep an eye out for others: heat illness an emergency planning

this summer has reached record-breaking hot temperatures in our area, so please help monitor those around you that may be most vulnerable. heat-induced illness can cause a person to become confused or lose consciousness. if you know someone 65 or older, be sure someone is checking in on them at least twice a day during the heat wave. 

prepare now for when severe weather strikes. a year-round kit with basic emergency supplies is easy to assemble and an important way to prepare for severe weather and any emergency. you can find lists from many sources to help you make your kit, including and the american red cross. in addition to having a family emergency plan and kit of basic supplies on hand year-round, special considerations for seniors should include:

  • contact information for important people and care providers.
  • a list of medicines, dosage instructions, and any allergies.
  • plans for supporting medical devices like oxygen tanks.
  • contact information for regular medical provider.
  • need-to-know information for first responders and others who might need to help.
  • extra food specific to any senior’s dietary needs or restrictions.

the most dangerous part of a storm is often after it passes. and, according to the american red cross, there are several factors that make older adults more vulnerable after disasters, including, but not limited to:

  • a greater likelihood to suffer from chronic conditions and the need for associated medications.
  • a greater reliance on assistive devices such as walkers or glasses, as well as support from caregivers and others.
  • an increased likelihood of social isolation.

being prepared can help keep you safe

following any weather emergency, it's important for everyone, from our neighbors returning home to emergency crews clearing roadways, to avoid downed power lines. prepare and be safety aware with these information resources:  

stay in touch: verify your contact information with us

an important part of any preparation by customers is making sure their contact information is current with entergy to help ensure our updates can reach them throughout an emergency response. customers can log into their online entergy account at to verify contact information and correct any errors. 

here are ways customers can stay up to date throughout a storm restoration:

  • notifications: sign up to stay informed about an outage.
  • entergy app: download the free mobile app.
  • storm center: be prepared and stay safe – before, during and after the storm.
  • social media: follow us for updates on major outage events.

jay vise
senior communications specialist, utility communications