storm center > march winter storm restoration complete in less than two days
march winter storm restoration complete in less than two days

despite facing some treacherous and frozen conditions, workers wrapped up restoration in less than 48 hours for the more than 24,000 customers who experienced an outage earlier this week.
the storm began its two-day march across the territory the night of march 4. predictions of significant accumulations of ice and snow did not materialize as expected, sparing customers massive numbers of outages that would take more time to restore.
"as usual, our workforce performed at the highest levels," said greg grillo, system storm incident commander and vice president of safety. "we asked for more than a thousand extra workers to help based on the weather prediction. fortunately, we were able to release the second wave to help other utilities that had more customer outages than us."
the company received good news from the company's weather vendor who reported that they see no winter weather events in the foreseeable future affecting the service territory.