storm center > entergy new orleans hurricane ida update – 9/9/21 @ 5:30 p.m.

entergy new orleans hurricane ida update – 9/9/21 @ 5:30 p.m.


entergy new orleans has restored power to 98% of customers. we anticipate the remaining 4,000 customers who remain without power to have it restored by late evening sept. 10 if they are able to receive it. occasionally we'll restore power to an area only to find another issue that means we have to take power down again and complete additional repairs. or we'll do initial work to get you on and the come back to put a more permanent fix in.

if you have storm damage, you must have a qualified electrician repair the damaged equipment belonging to you before we can restore your power.  the equipment at your location that is your responsibility to have repaired includes the meter base, a metal box housing our meter and protecting your connections to it.

for those whose homes sustained damage, here are some safety tips and steps to take before entergy can restore service to your home:

  • call a licensed electrician for advice when necessary. a licensed electrician’s inspection of your property’s electric wiring may be needed before entergy can restore power to a home or business that has water damage from rain or flooding.
  • if you are still without power, check for damage to the electrical equipment attached to your home or business and contact an electrician to make repairs. if your electric equipment appears undamaged, text out to 36778 or call 1-800-9outage.
  • customers are urged to remain safe and stay away from downed power lines and flooded areas. do not walk in standing water and do not venture into areas of debris, since energized and dangerous power lines may not be visible. if you find or suspect damaged power lines, call 1-800-9outage immediately.

we recognize the need for customers to receive estimated restoration times. these estimates are subject to change as we continue with restoration work, and we will issue updates to these estimates as we learn more.  see below specific information for restoration information in your neighborhood. visit

we appreciate our customer’s patience. we will continue to provide updates as we learn more.

important gas service information

  • stay away from suspected gas leaks.
  • do not attempt to turn natural gas valves on or off.
  • to report a gas leak, call 1-800-9-outage.

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