storm center > entergy mississippi winter storm update – 2/19/21 @ 10 a.m.

entergy mississippi winter storm update – 2/19/21 @ 10 a.m.


restoration at the corner of sheryl and church streets in madison, mississippi.
restoration at the corner of sheryl and church streets in madison, mississippi.

as of 7 a.m., about 55,000 entergy mississippi customers remain without power as a result of wednesday’s winter weather, down from a peak of approximately 90,000. we have brought in more resources and, along with our own workforce, more than 1,800 lineworkers, vegetation workers, damage assessors and support personnel are restoring power as quickly and safely as possible.

restoration work is proceeding as safely as possible, but dangerous driving conditions are slowing travel to damaged areas. we appreciate your patience as we do expect restoration to take a few days.

as of yesterday evening, about 35% of the damaged areas had been assessed. so far, we have identified 65 broken poles, 400 spans of wire down and 20 damaged transformers. damage assessment continues today.

cold weather outage restoration can be hampered by a sudden demand from electric heaters and large appliances when power comes on. if you lose power, please turn off or unplug these appliances until power is restored.  you may want to leave a lamp turned on to indicate when power is restored.

we use a methodical and calculated process in bringing customers back online after an outage in very cold weather, regardless of whether the initial cause of the outage was specifically weather-related. rather than simply energizing an entire power line all at once, we must bring customers back online one section at a time to avoid damage to our system and make the situation worse.

our restoration focus includes ensuring the safety of our workers. we restore service to customers by closing circuit breakers, rerouting power and other means. as we learn more about the damage, we put in place a restoration plan that helps us restore the greatest number of customers safely in the shortest amount of time. additionally, our workforce continues to practice social distancing and we ask that customers do the same. for their safety and yours, please stay away from work zones.

customers should also be mindful of the following safety tips and ways to stay up to date during an outage.

  • stay away from downed power lines. you can’t tell from looking at them whether they are energized or not, so assume they are. report them to 1-800-9outage.
  • report your power outage online or call 1-800-9outage. if you report your outage by phone, trust the automated system. there is no need to speak with a customer service representative to report an outage.
  • if you have a portable generator, use it safely. do not run it in an enclosed space. if connecting to the whole house, do so only if the connection has been installed by a licensed electrician. more information is available on entergy stormcenter.
  • stay clear of linemen as they work. our crews continue to practice social distancing and we ask that customers do the same.
stay in touch
  • download the entergy app for apple or android operating systems at
  • register for address-specific alerts by texting reg to 36778. customers will need an account number and zip code. once registered, text out to 36778 to report an outage.
  • follow entergy mississippi at or
  • follow updates in local news media, including radio, television and newspapers.

conserve energy to help prevent outages

the demand for power remains extremely high during this period of sustained cold weather and continues to strain the electric grid. we ask customers not affected by outages to continue minimizing energy usage as much as possible until the extreme cold weather passes. by being mindful of your electricity usage you are helping prevent the need for additional forced outages.

  • keep warm, not hot. lower your thermostat to 68 degrees. when possible, wear additional layers of clothing.
  • unplug electronic devices and turn off lights that are not in use.
  • when the sun is shining, open blinds, drapes and curtains to let in the sun’s warmth.
  • hold off on doing chores. delay laundry, washing dishes and other non-essential uses of electricity.
  • wash clothes with cold water, shower quickly instead of taking a bath, cook foods at the lowest possible setting and refrain from opening the oven door while baking.
  • don’t allow warmed air to escape from the home.

doing your part to conserve energy can also reduce consumption on your electric bill. remember that it takes more electricity to heat your home during periods of extreme cold. when using an air conditioner to cool, excess heat is taken from inside your home and moved outside. heating your home requires a machine inside to make heat and then move it.

we appreciate your patience and your conservation efforts. for more tips and storm updates, visit

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