storm center > don’t let hurricane season catch you off guard

don’t let hurricane season catch you off guard


the 2018 atlantic hurricane season is here, and entergy new orleans employees have been busy reminding customers that now is the time to prepare.

as part of special outreach efforts for senior citizens, entergy new orleans customer service employees are holding a series of meetings at centers around the city in conjunction with the new orleans council on aging.

at the meetings, they not only hand out storm safety, preparation and restoration information but also walk the seniors through the helpful tips and discuss ways to get their personal storm plans in place. they also let seniors know that while we hope a major storm doesn't strike our area, entergy is storm ready and prepared to safely restore power as quickly as possible.

"spending time with our senior citizens is key," said demetric mercadel, senior customer service specialist at entergy new orleans. "by meeting with them face-to-face, explaining the information they have in hand and answering any questions, it provides them with a little extra comfort during what can be a very stressful time. many of our seniors remember hurricane betsy as well as katrina and know that no matter what the season's predictions are, it only takes one major storm to impact our lives."

besides the in-person meetings, entergy new orleans also joined the new orleans council of aging on local public access television again this year as part of its senior profile series. toni green-brown, public affairs manager at entergy new orleans, outlined the same storm safety, preparation and restoration information in that program to reach the senior citizens who aren't able to make it to a meeting.

and as they do every year, employees at the two entergy new orleans care centers handed out storm-prep information june 4 to all customers who walked in during their biannual customer appreciation event.

in conjunction with the new orleans council on aging, entergy new orleans employees are reaching out to seniors at locations throughout the city to share storm safety, preparation and restoration information.